Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Taro Gomi/ Coloring Books

I am a big fan of coloring. When I lived in Dallas I would throw soup parties. Cook soup all day and send a giant text for all my friends to stop by anytime all night for some soup. People would end up popping in, some staying all night, some coming by after dinner, some before. We would usually sit around the table coloring for hours.

While hosting a house party I found the coolest coloring book in the world I set up the bathroom like an art studio and all night everyone colored to their little hearts content. This coloring book was the most adult friendly and funny book ever, not surprising since it is written by Taro Gomi, the Japanese artist responsible for the most popular bathroom book in the world, Everybody poops.

Check out these drawings (photographed in b&w- a little against the fabulous bright colors that this book encourages) by my friends from Summer 2009

I drafted this post long ago- back when I was a bit scared about posting and before I realised that this is my own little journal spot..... I am posting it now because of my second great coloring book find. I also found this in the Houston Airport (between this and The Irregulars and these golf balls that look like 8 balls- I had quite a successful layover).

Nellie Ryan, an artist from over the pond (in the UK) does adorable girly work and her coloring book Fabulous Doodles, is super cute (it is highly evocative of Taro Gomi's book). I would recommend Nelly Ryan's Fabulous Doodles for a girl (of any age but for sure a girl) and Taro Gomi's book for your future dinner parties.

I think that Taro Gomi's doodle book is better than Nellie Ryan's. Each book has little instructions at the top and gives creative encouragement, but I think that Gomi's prompts stretch the mind and set up the possibilities of a more unique and random drawing.

See below some copyrighted images from Amazon's preview of Taro Gomi's Book

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