Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Two recipes to cheer you up for Fall (steaks and baked apples)

I found two steaks on sale Sunday. Two bone in steaks. $5. Priceless. So I made a nice Fall Feast last night for my self.

I did not know exactly how I was going to cook them, but due to other factors (my brother drank my red wine). I boiled them for the first time.

bone in steak.
wash with cold water and put salt and pepper (lots of pepper) all over the steaks.
take garlic cloves and rub down. Make slits in steak and put garlic cloves in the steak.
place uncooked onion rings all around.
drizzle with olive oil and balsamic.

Broil uncovered for about 10 or 15 minutes on each side.

I thought Halloween left me a little wanting for fall. (Even though the nyc combo of Halloween and the Marathon was very nice).
So I decided to taste fall.

I found some locally grown fresh apples.
I cut out the center (be careful this was not as easy as I thought)
Chop walnuts.
heat lots of butter, a fair amount of brown sugar and a bit of cinnamon in a pan and sautee the walnuts in there. (the mixture should make kind of a nutty syrup for the apples)
Fill apples with the mixture and bake (uncovered) in a glass dish at 350 for 30 minutes.

Serve in a giant Margarita glass with a scoop of Ben and Jerry's Oatmeal Cookie Chunk.

I have to bring food to work and I was not quite done playing in the kitchen so I used the bones from the steak to make some stock, froze part of it and then made soup. That I am about to eat right now 8).

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